Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Public speaking

Do you think you have IT to stand in front of a crowd and express yourself?  Then this is just the thing for you to do.  We are having our annual public speaking conference in the coming weeks.
Topic for discussion:
  • The importance of giving learners the right to freedom of association.
  • How do you see yourself?
  • Are you the next Obama?
  • How do you feel about our national Anthem?
So if you see this as an event to attend there are the credentials:
Time: 16:00
Place: City Hall
Entrance: Free
By joining our public speaking group you will acquire the necessary skills to talk freely and with necessary poise

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I really think that I might have IT!
    I would like to join the public speaking group.
    Are there auditions or entry forms to fill out?
    Looking forward to being a part of the group.
    Kind regards, sharné
